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5 minute read

Bowel cancer screening. Are we casting the net wide enough?

What is bowel cancer?  Bowel cancer is cancer of the large bowel, which is made up of the colon and...

2 minute read

Is it time for more employers to check for Type 2 Diabetes in the workplace?

With the number of people diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes doubling over the last 2 decades and undiagnosed Type 2...

3 minute read

How are cutting-edge HR teams approaching health in 2022?

Here’s the big idea in 95 words: There is a fundamental disconnect between the way we (HR) deliver health initiatives...

3 minute read

Health is a business critical problem. Why we need to act now.

The coronavirus pandemic has transformed work on an unprecedented scale, with both employees and employers having to cope with a...

5 minute read

What is a health assessment?

Health assessments are a bit like a car MOT. Whilst your car may seem “healthy” on the outside, you never...

3 minute read

Do you know the HSE legal requirements for managing workplace stress?

Work related stress is the most prominent reason for stress over the last year, with recent HSE data estimating that...

2 minute read

One size does not fit all. What we can learn from the NHS to create an effective employee health & wellbeing strategy.

Corporate Healthcare: The Here and Now Employee health and wellbeing benefits are becoming increasingly popular as businesses look to attract...

3 minute read

Health and productivity - the secret to superstar employees

What makes a ‘superstar’ employee? Self motivated and ambitious They understand their role and responsibilities but are willing to do...

Person chopping vegetables

3 minute read

Why taking a whole health approach to employee health is the right thing to do

We often see health and wellbeing benefits that make us choose between looking after our team's physical health, such as...

4 minute read

Healthy employees = Better stock market performance.

Providing your employees with a LiveSmart health assessment will make you a more successful company. Fact.  Now you’re probably suspicious...

2 minute read

Download — Why health assessments should be the cornerstone of every health and wellbeing strategy

Most health and wellbeing programmes are built on good intentions but often don’t have a strategy in place. More often...

2 minute read

Download — How effective is LiveSmart?

In a time when there are more options than ever promising to help you understand your health and improve it,...

2 minute read

LiveSmart partner with Avis Budget Group to achieve their greatness

In early 2021, Avis Budget Group extended their health care benefits to include every UK colleague. This included partnering with...

4 minute read

Are your team feeling anxious about returning to the workplace?

Millions of people across the world have been working from home over the past year due to the restrictions around...

2 minute read

Download — MSK in the remote working world, a growing but preventable problem

Since 2020, MSK has become increasingly important, as the majority of employees have been working predominantly from home. From the...

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5 minute read

Bowel cancer survival is worse in the UK compared to other countries — can we change this?

In the UK, 5 year survival rates for bowel cancer are currently around 60%. This is consistently and significantly lower...

2 minute read

Download — The growing illness amongst staff that nobody is talking about

There’s no question that 2020 was a tragic year for global health. The previously unknown virus, SARS-COV-2, rapidly spread across...

4 minute read

How to boost staff engagement during a pandemic

The pandemic has changed a lot of things about the ways in which we work, most notably, where we work...

2 minute read

4 ways to help your team sleep better

Sleep is one of the fundamental drivers in life - alongside eating, drinking (water, not alcohol…) and reproduction - without...

3 minute read

How to keep your staff sane during a pandemic

How To Keep Your Staff Sane During A Pandemic  There is a lot we are learning from the pandemic. One...

1 minute read

Download — Top 5 signs your staff are struggling with their mental health

Here at LiveSmart, we understand that mental health can be a tricky subject and for some staff, coming forward about...

2 minute read

How to help your staff improve their kidney health

When it comes to keeping your people happy in the workplace, kidney health probably isn't the first thing that springs...

2 minute read

World Obesity Day 2021

Obesity is classified as a chronic disease, which affects over 800 million people around the world. Living with obesity increases...

4 minute read

5 ways to improve positivity at work

Let’s face it, right now we’re all experiencing something strange and unique going on in the world. We’ve all gone...

4 minute read

Why blood tests are so essential for staff during a pandemic

We’ve been living in a global pandemic for a year now. In that time, we’ve probably not been visiting the...

3 minute read

Vitamin D deficiency: are employers failing black workers?

People with darker skins from African, Afro-Caribbean or South Asian backgrounds are nearly four times as likely compared to the...

4 minute read

5 ways to help your team avoid the ‘winter blues’ and boost immunity

The winter months can be a tough time - made even harder due to the global Covid-19 pandemic and recurring...

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  • Help staff feel happier and healthier
  • Offer a benefit that gets high staff uptake
  • Increase staff engagement and retention
  • Offer a fully remote, fuss-free service
  • Roll out a company-wide benefit with ease
  • Attract talent to your company