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Health assessments
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How it works
Health assessments
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Frequently asked questions
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions
What do LiveSmart test for?
Can I order additional blood tests as part of my health assessment?
Can I claim the cost of a LiveSmart health assessment under my medical insurance policy?
What happens after I’ve ordered my test?
Your results
When will my results be ready?
How do I get my results?
Can I speak to someone about my results?
Do I need to make an appointment to see my doctor when I get my results?
Can I take my results to my local GP?
Will you send a copy of my results to my GP?
Is a LiveSmart health assessment a substitute for seeing my doctor?
How do I book my first health coaching call?
Blood sample collection
How do I give a blood sample?
Can I give a blood sample if I am sick or if I am pregnant?
Who analyses my blood sample?
Do I need to fast before taking my blood sample?
Are there any risks to having a blood sample taken by a phlebotomist?
Are there any risks to taking my own blood sample using a home kit?
Are there any tips to help me take my blood sample?
I didn’t fill the tube correctly, does this matter?
Anything else?
What information does LiveSmart collect?
How are LiveSmart regulated?
How can I contact LiveSmart?
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Help staff feel happier and healthier
Offer a benefit that gets high staff uptake
Increase staff engagement and retention
Offer a fully remote, fuss-free service
Roll out a company-wide benefit with ease
Attract talent to your company
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